100 Posts!

23:30:00 MoonDoggie 2 Comments

I noticed, with surprise, that I made my 100th post yesterday!

Thankyou to all my followers for hanging around and making me feel wanted. Hopefully you'll all stick around for a lot more posts yet.

I'm hoping to organise some kind of giveaway soon. When I figure out exactly what this will be, I'll let you know.

Watch this space...

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  1. Congrats! Ooooh, a giveaway!

  2. Who's a good girl?
    Who's a good girl?
    That's right, our little MoonDoggie's a good girl!
    Oh yes, she IS!
    Yes, she IS!
    Now, can you roll over and do 100 MORE posts?
    Oh yes, you CAN!
    Yes, you CAN!
