Wall Art

19:49:00 MoonDoggie 0 Comments

My friend's neighbour has two of what I believe to be this (see pic on left) metal wall art hung on the outer wall of their house. The black metal which has weathered due to its exposure, looks fantastic against the pale bricks. I admire them every time I walk past and am really happy to have found a source. I came across it whilst searching for more examples of modernist wall art.

My grandparents had a copper piece which I remember hung against a wooden wall. He was a bit of a 'big wheel' in the copper mining industry and it was given to him when he retired. My parents have salvaged it for me and I look forward to seeing it again but I am reminded of it everytime I see the wall art in Sterling's office on Mad Men. The only picture I've been able to find of this can be seen on the right (source: jezebel.com).

I came across some more modern looking wall art in my friend's next catalogue which has inspired me to look further.

Here are some of my favourites so far:


What do you think?