Beatle It

09:34:00 MoonDoggie 0 Comments

Anyone else play this? The Beatles Rock Band game is the first time their music has been allowed to be used in a game. It's still not even downloadable from itunes.
We bought this as an impulse purchase when friends were coming around one night. It had just been released and I figured you couldn't go wrong with the Beatles.
It was lots of fun trying to do the harmonies (3 people can sing at the same time) and I'd never really thought about how much their voices altered from each others until I tried matching them.

As I generally prefer the early Beatles collection, I most enjoy 'performing' at the Cavern and appearing on the 'Ed Sullivan Show' during their famous American tour in 1964. Speaking of the Cavern, I'll post some of my photos from my Liverpool trip as soon as I can rescue them from my hard drive. They feature an evening in the world famous 'Cavern' where we were entertained by the Hungarian Beatles who were FAB!

The game's intro video