
12:49:00 MoonDoggie 5 Comments

Finally posting pictures of my new baby - the vintage plastic chandelier I got fom the best antique shop in Copenhagen.  It's quite hard to take good pictures of as I don't really have anywhere to hang it and it keeps moving in my hands (I managed to tie it to Dave's easel for these pics). 
I call it a chandelier because I don't really know what else to call it.  I've been trying to research it but I can't find anything similar.  It screams 60s to me but could also be from the early 70s.  There are no maker marks.
There are 3 tiers of orange and white discs hanging from what I think are brass rings, or are they copper?  I'd like to clean it but not sure what to use.  I'd also like to clean the discs but am not sure the best way to go about it.  The white parts have a bit of sun-staining but nothing too drastic.  Any ideas?

I love the way it looks when the light shines through...

Unfortunately, I found out when I got home that I can't hang it from my ceiling because the opening is too small to attach it to the existing light cable.  Although we could unscrew the top part, the bulb socket coming from the ceiling doesn't seem removable and we don't want to be messing with the electrics in a rented property.  The cable you see in the pictures came with the chandelier.  I welcome any ideas but I think this will probably have to wait until we get our own house or meet an electrician (if only my dad were here in Blighty).

Also hard to take photos of is my Royal Copenhagen bauble.  The pattern is actually silver although it looks gold or black in these shots.  I would love to know what year this is from - I'm aware its not very old.

I've seen horses like this in a few European blogs.  Apparently they are called Dala Horses and originate from Sweden.  I got mine in a Copenhagen souvenir shop.

I found these magnets in a shop called Notre Dame.  If I lived in Copenhagen it'd be one of my favourite shops. 


  1. Nice. Yes, lamp looks to be late 60's early 70's but don't know anything more myself.

    The horse from Sweden reminds me of the colorfully painted things you can get here from Mexico/South America.

  2. My opinion of orange has changed greatly from this post. ;)

  3. Copyboy - I hope for the better!

    1950s - Any tips for cleaning vintage plastic?

  4. LOVE your stuff, but especially the chandelier and the magnets! Neato!
